Яким є passion fruit?

Granadilla (Passiflora ligularis) Це має високу цукерку і гірський суп кукурудзи і сідни має дуже добряче crunch.

Yellow passion fruit is also called guavadilla. Passion fruit is generally smaller than granadilla, and there is a big difference on the inside. Both fruits мають edible seeds, але passion fruit seeds є black with soft, yellow pulp while granadilla seeds are black but larger, with transparent, soft pulp.

Eat the pulp, seeds and all Passion fruit is filled with gelatinous pulp that's full of seeds. Seeds є edible, але tart. Scoop out the passion fruit pulp with spoon and place it in a bowl. Ви можете також насолодитися відчуттям флеш пульп straight from the shell.